SC2FA - selftuning controller for oscillating systems
SC2FA Demo
The simulator demonstrates the SC2FA block which implements new frequency identification experiment which together internal disturbance model creates the core of automatic tuning of controller for vibration damping. The controller for active vibration damping estimates automatically the resonant frequency of oscillating system. Based on the internal model, the active vibration control is implemented in this block. See more details in the function blocks manual.
How to start the simulator?
Before starting the simulator by START button, the sampling period can be set in the field Sampling time. The continous applet running can be stopped by STOP
button or paused by PAUSE
button. The simulation speed can be adjusted by the slider. The re-init button
reset all parameters to initial state.
All parameters of active blocks (non-shadow) can be changed in the dialog which is invoked by cliking at the block. Detailed description of block parameters is available in Function blocks reference manual.